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Symposium Policies

Policy on Respectful Dialogue

The ISOCS-29 organizers welcome a wide diversity of researchers and scientists from academia and industry. Participants are encouraged to keep criticism constructive and avoid personal attacks. Debate of ideas is encouraged, allowing delegates to enjoy a lively and stimulating conference.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The ISOCS-29 organizers will strive to have a diverse collection of speakers, session chairs and poster presenters that is reflective of the gender makeup, geographic distribution, ethnicity, demography and broad scientific expertise of our research community.  


Social Media Policy

Conference delegates are encouraged to advertise their own involvement in ISOCS-29 and scientific content on social media. Direct recording or photographing of any scientific content is prohibited without the consent of the author(s)/presenter(s), Pictures taken by ISOCS-29 organizers will be not be publicly available nor shared on social media, and will be shared only with conference delegates.

Recorded oral and poster presentations will only be accessible to ISOCS-29 registrants and only for a finite period of time. 


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